A Fresh Perspective on

Injury Recovery, Prevention & Performance

En Avant Performance & Sports Therapy is an Athletic Therapy Clinic with specialized knowledge of performing artists and their specific needs.

Samara Tocher is a registered Athletic Therapist, providing treatment with 30 years of dance experience and 17 years as a dance educator. She understands the fine balance between strength and flexibility, and has an abundance of functional exercises to help get you back on your feet whether you are a dancer, gymnast, acrobat or any other performing artist.

Sam also has a passion for working with all types of athletes across many different types of sport including rugby, hockey, football, wrestling, volleyball and others.

At En Avant you will receive one-on-one treatment for your entire appointment and will receive a well rounded program to help you achieve your goals, whether it be recovering from an injury, addressing chronic injuries or just wanting to improve your overall strength, abilities and performance.